Tuesday, September 24, 2013

.::: Daftar Isi / Table Of Contents Teguh Triharto Learning Centre :::.

Lembar halaman yg menjadi petunjuk pokok isi buku beserta nomor halaman

A table of contents, usually headed simply "Contents" and abbreviated informally as TOC, is a list of the parts of a book or document organized in the order in which the parts appear. The contents usually includes the titles or descriptions of the first-level headers, such as chapter titles in longer works, and often includes second-level or section titles (A-heads) within the chapters as well, and occasionally even third-level titles (subsections or B-heads). The depth of detail in tables of contents depends on the length of the work, with longer works having less.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

.::: Definition : Oracle Database SQL Certified Expert & ID Card & Syllabus :::.

Oracle Database SQL Certified Experts demonstrate the complete set of skills required for working with the powerful SQL programming language and have mastered the key concepts of a relational database. SQL Experts understand how to use the advanced features of SQL in order to query and manipulate data within the database, control privileges at the object and system level, and use advanced querying and reporting techniques. They are able to manipulate large data sets and understand storing and retrieving dates according to different time zones. They are also knowledgeable about the concepts of controlling access and privileges for schema objects.

Retrieving Data Using the SQL SELECT Statement
  • List the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements  
  • Execute a basic SELECT statement 
  • Describe how schema objects work

.::: Study Kasus Praktis belajar SQL create & insert table Setelah Install Oracle Database (Create Data Warehouse):::.

SQL atau Structured Query Language) adalah sebuah bahasa yang digunakan untuk mengakses data dalam basis data relasional. Bahasa ini secara de facto merupakan bahasa standar yang digunakan dalam manajemen basis data relasional. Saat ini hampir semua server basis data yang ada mendukung bahasa ini untuk melakukan manajemen datanya.

anda dapat juga download The Study Case & solution Lab Oracle & SQL Expert 

A. Management User
1. Loging Using system or sys as sysdba


.::: How To Using Aljabar(Algebra): union(gabungan), intersection(irisan), distinct (proyeksi), join/inner join/normal join/equal join(=),left outer join and right outer join In SQL :::.

Algebra (from Arabic al-jebr meaning "reunion of broken parts") is the branch of mathematics concerning the study of the rules of operations and relations, and the constructions and concepts arising from them, including terms, polynomials, equations and algebraic structures. Together with geometry, analysis, topology, combinatorics, and number theory, algebra is one of the main branches of pure mathematics. Algebra has numerous usages in daily life and is commonly taught in public schools.

.::: How To Using Query, Sub Query from one table or More in SQL :::.

=== 6. Query  and view ===
Query sebutan atau nama lain dari seleksi data yang merupakan bagian dari DML
Query as Selection data that one of DML

You can download The Study Case & solution Lab Oracle & SQL Expert

 == 6.1 seleksi satu tabel ==
== Selection from One Table ==
SELECT   field 1,...,field n, agregation function
FROM     table
WHERE      criteria
GROUP BY field 1,...,field n
HAVING      criteria_agregate_function
ORDER BY field

.::: How To Using min, max, avg, sum, count, Group by, order by, Having, where, comparison (=,<>,>,<,>= atau <=), Between, In, like / not like on Grouping, Sorting & Criteria Data In SQL Oracle :::.

=== Pengelompokan, pengurutan dan kriteria Data ===
=== How To Grouping, Sorting & Criteria Data ===

You can download The Study Case & solution Lab Oracle & SQL Expert 

== 5.1 pengelompokan data (group by) dan aggregation function ==
Sintak SQL
== 5.1.1 min() ==

SELECT field 1,...,field n, MIN(name_field)
    GROUP BY field 1,...,field m
== 5.1.2 max() ==
SELECT field 1,...,field n, MAX(name_field)
    GROUP BY field 1,...,field m

.::: How To Insert, Update, Delete Data In DML(Data Manipulation language) SQL :::.

A data manipulation language (DML) is a family of syntax elements similar to a computer programming language used for inserting, deleting and updating data in a database. Performing read-only queries of data is sometimes also considered a component of DML

You can download The Study Case & solution Lab Oracle & SQL Expert 

=== 4.1 Memasukkan Data (Insert Data) ====
Sintak SQL
INSERT INTO name_table(field 1,...,Field n)
    VALUE(value_field 1,...,field n)

= Check Data Table =
select * from barang;
select * from suplier;
select * from customer;
select * from pasok;
select * from pembelian;

SQL> select * from barang;

.::: How To Create, Modify, Drop, Delete Table In DDL (Data Definition Language) SQL Oracle :::.

Cara Membuat, Memodifikasi, Menghapus Tabel dalam DDL

SQL adalah Structured Query Language. secara garis besar terdiri dari
1. DDL (Data Definition Language)
2. DML (Data Manipulating Language)
3. DCL (Data Control Language)
1. Study Kasus = Inventory

Tabel Barang = Menggambarkan entitas barang dan terdiri atas atribut yang berkaitan dengan entitas barang. Atribut barang meliputi : kode_barang,nama_barang,satuan_barang dan stok barang
Tabel Suplier = Menggambarkan entitas suplier dan terdiri atas atribut atribut yang berkaitan dengan suplier. Atribut suplier meliputi : kode_suplier, nama_suplier, alamat_suplier, kota_suplier dan telepon_suplier

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