Thursday, August 30, 2018

.::: How to Install Openstack Stein, Rocky, Quenns, Pike Using Bash Script one Push :::.

OpenStack is developed and released around 6-month cycles. After the initial release, additional stable point releases will be released in each release series. You can find the detail of the various release series here on their series page

1. Check new version openstack on this lab. openstack rocky <lastest version>
### yum install -y centos-release-openstack-rocky
### yum install -y centos-release-openstack-queens
### yum install -y centos-release-openstack-pike

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

.::: How To Redundant Set Master to Master(Replica) and Master to Slave(Mirroring) On MySQL (Include MariaDB) :::.

A. Configuring MySQL Server on Server01
1. Edit & add db file conf /etc/my.cnf
log-bin      = mysql-bin
binlog_do_db = teguht

set global read_only=on;
set global read_only=off;

set global read_only=1;


[root@MariaDB002 ~]# cat /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf

## -> only 1 database (teguhth)
log-bin      = mysql-bin
binlog_do_db = teguhth

## -> more 2 database (teguhth, secretdb, labdb)

log-bin      = mysql-bin
binlog_do_db = teguhth
binlog_do_db = secretdb
binlog_do_db = labdb

sample log

.::: How to Install and Configuration PCS, COROSYNC, and Pacemaker for HA(High Availability) On Linux, Centos, Rhel :::.

Corosync is an open source cluster engine used to implement high availability within applications. Commonly referred to as a messaging layer, Corosync provides a cluster membership and closed communication model for creating replicated state machines, on top of which cluster resource managers like Pacemaker can run. Corosync can be seen as the underlying system that connects the cluster nodes together, while Pacemaker monitors the cluster and takes action in the event of a failure.

This tutorial will demonstrate how to use Corosync and Pacemaker to create a high availability (HA) infrastructure on DigitalOcean with CentOS 7 servers and Floating IPs. To facilitate the process of setting up and managing the cluster nodes, we are going to use PCS, a command line interface that interacts with both Corosync and Pacemaker.A. Pre Activity

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