Monday, December 7, 2020

.::: Study Kasus Praktis belajar Query create & insert table/Collection MongoDB (Data Warehouse) :::.

1. Create Database teguhth
use teguhth
show dbs 

> use teguhth
switched to db teguhth
> show dbs
admin   0.000GB
brgxxx  0.000GB
config  0.000GB
kampus  0.000GB
local   0.000GB
toko    0.000GB

.::: Tutorial MongoDB, create Database & Collection (table) nosql :::.

C:\Users\teguh>cd "c:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin"

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

.::: Database size & Table Capacity in MySQL MariaDB :::.

A. Create database nms tools ;

create database teguhthtools;
use teguhthtools;

MariaDB [(none)]> use teguhthtools;
Database changed
MariaDB [teguhthtools]>

B. table Database size capacity

1. query database size capacity

Thursday, February 27, 2020

.::: Steps for Installing SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups :::.

SQL Server 2012's new features and enhancements include Always On SQL Server Failover Cluster Instances and Availability Groups which provides a set of options to improve database availability, Contained Databases which simplify the moving of databases between instances, new and modified Dynamic Management Views and Functions, programmability enhancements including new spatial features, metadata discovery, sequence objects and the THROW statement, performance enhancements such as ColumnStore Indexes as well as improvements to OnLine and partition level operations and security enhancements including provisioning during setup, new permissions, improved role management, and default schema assignment for groups.

Monday, February 24, 2020

.::: How to remove and add replica, database, listener on AlwaysOn MSSQL Server :::.

SQL Server 2012's new features and enhancements include Always On SQL Server Failover Cluster Instances and Availability Groups which provides a set of options to improve database availability, Contained Databases which simplify the moving of databases between instances, new and modified Dynamic Management Views and Functions, programmability enhancements including new spatial features, metadata discovery, sequence objects and the THROW statement, performance enhancements such as ColumnStore Indexes as well as improvements to OnLine and partition level operations and security enhancements including provisioning during setup, new permissions, improved role management, and default schema assignment for groups.

1. Avaibility Databases
Remove >>Availability Databases >> Remove Database From Availability Group

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