A. From Local
1. create script to create cpu memory
[root@teguhth ~]# cat check_cpu_mem_usage.sh
# Get CPU and Memory usage using top command
TOP_OUTPUT=$(top -b -n 1)
# Extract CPU usage percentage
CPU_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/Cpu/ {print $2}')
# Extract total memory and used memory in kilobytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $4}')
USED_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $8}')
# Convert kilobytes to megabytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $TOTAL_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
USED_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $USED_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
# Extract memory usage percentage
MEMORY_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print ($8 / $4) * 100}' | awk '{printf "%.2f", $0}')
echo "CPU Usage (%): $CPU_USAGE%"
echo "Memory Usage (%): ${MEMORY_USAGE}%"
echo "Used Memory: ${USED_MEMORY_MB}MB"
echo "Total Memory: ${TOTAL_MEMORY_MB}MB"
[root@teguhth ~]#
# Get CPU and Memory usage using top command
TOP_OUTPUT=$(top -b -n 1)
# Extract CPU usage percentage
CPU_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/Cpu/ {print $2}')
# Extract total memory and used memory in kilobytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $4}')
USED_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $8}')
# Convert kilobytes to megabytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $TOTAL_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
USED_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $USED_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
# Extract memory usage percentage
MEMORY_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print ($8 / $4) * 100}' | awk '{printf "%.2f", $0}')
echo "CPU Usage (%): $CPU_USAGE%"
echo "Memory Usage (%): ${MEMORY_USAGE}%"
echo "Used Memory: ${USED_MEMORY_MB}MB"
echo "Total Memory: ${TOTAL_MEMORY_MB}MB"
[root@teguhth ~]#
2. run query
[root@teguhth ~]# sh check_cpu_mem_usage.shResult checking on server with hostname < teguhth >
CPU Usage (%): 6.2%
Memory Usage (%): 23.08%
Used Memory: 224.40MB
Total Memory: 972.33MB
[root@teguhth ~]#
B. From Remote
1. enable keygen
ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa root@
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa root@
2. create script to create cpu memory
[root@teguhth ~]# cat remote.sh
# Get CPU and Memory usage using top command
TOP_OUTPUT=$(top -b -n 1)
# Extract CPU usage percentage
CPU_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/Cpu/ {print $2}')
# Extract total memory and used memory in kilobytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $4}')
USED_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $8}')
# Convert kilobytes to megabytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $TOTAL_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
USED_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $USED_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
# Extract memory usage percentage
MEMORY_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print ($8 / $4) * 100}' | awk '{printf "%.2f", $0}')
echo "Checking from Source $Server"
#echo "CPU Usage (%): $CPU_USAGE%"
#echo "Memory Usage (%): ${MEMORY_USAGE}%"
#echo "Used Memory: ${USED_MEMORY_MB}MB"
#echo "Total Memory: ${TOTAL_MEMORY_MB}MB"
echo "sh remote.sh <ip> <port>"
# Remote machine details
remote_password="root" # It's better to use SSH keys for authentication
# Function to get remote CPU and memory usage
remote_usage () {
ssh "$remote_user@$remote_host" \
"echo 'Result checking on Destination server with hostname < $Server >';\
echo 'CPU Usage (%): $CPU_USAGE''%' ; \
echo 'Memory Usage (%): ${MEMORY_USAGE}%';\
echo 'Memory Usage: ' \$(free -m | grep 'Mem:' | awk '{print \$3}')'MB' ;\
echo 'Memory Total: ' \$(free -m | grep 'Mem:' | awk '{print \$2}')'MB'"
[root@teguhth ~]#
# Get CPU and Memory usage using top command
TOP_OUTPUT=$(top -b -n 1)
# Extract CPU usage percentage
CPU_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/Cpu/ {print $2}')
# Extract total memory and used memory in kilobytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $4}')
USED_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $8}')
# Convert kilobytes to megabytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $TOTAL_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
USED_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $USED_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
# Extract memory usage percentage
MEMORY_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print ($8 / $4) * 100}' | awk '{printf "%.2f", $0}')
echo "Checking from Source $Server"
#echo "CPU Usage (%): $CPU_USAGE%"
#echo "Memory Usage (%): ${MEMORY_USAGE}%"
#echo "Used Memory: ${USED_MEMORY_MB}MB"
#echo "Total Memory: ${TOTAL_MEMORY_MB}MB"
echo "sh remote.sh <ip> <port>"
# Remote machine details
remote_password="root" # It's better to use SSH keys for authentication
# Function to get remote CPU and memory usage
remote_usage () {
ssh "$remote_user@$remote_host" \
"echo 'Result checking on Destination server with hostname < $Server >';\
echo 'CPU Usage (%): $CPU_USAGE''%' ; \
echo 'Memory Usage (%): ${MEMORY_USAGE}%';\
echo 'Memory Usage: ' \$(free -m | grep 'Mem:' | awk '{print \$3}')'MB' ;\
echo 'Memory Total: ' \$(free -m | grep 'Mem:' | awk '{print \$2}')'MB'"
[root@teguhth ~]#
3. Test
C. From Remote using custom port
[root@teguhth ~]# cat custom_check_cpu_mem_specifiport.sh
# Get CPU and Memory usage using top command
TOP_OUTPUT=$(top -b -n 1)
# Extract CPU usage percentage
CPU_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/Cpu/ {print $2}')
# Extract total memory and used memory in kilobytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $4}')
USED_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $8}')
# Convert kilobytes to megabytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $TOTAL_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
USED_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $USED_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
# Extract memory usage percentage
MEMORY_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print ($8 / $4) * 100}' | awk '{printf "%.2f", $0}')
echo "Checking from Source $Server"
#echo "CPU Usage (%): $CPU_USAGE%"
#echo "Memory Usage (%): ${MEMORY_USAGE}%"
#echo "Used Memory: ${USED_MEMORY_MB}MB"
#echo "Total Memory: ${TOTAL_MEMORY_MB}MB"
echo "sh remote.sh <ip> <port>"
# Remote machine details
remote_password="root" # It's better to use SSH keys for authentication
# Function to get remote CPU and memory usage
remote_usage () {
ssh "$remote_user@$remote_host" -p$portx \
"echo 'Result checking on Destination server with hostname < $Server >';\
echo 'CPU Usage (%): $CPU_USAGE''%' ; \
echo 'Memory Usage (%): ${MEMORY_USAGE}%';\
echo 'Memory Usage: ' \$(free -m | grep 'Mem:' | awk '{print \$3}')'MB' ;\
echo 'Memory Total: ' \$(free -m | grep 'Mem:' | awk '{print \$2}')'MB'"
[root@teguhth ~]#
# Get CPU and Memory usage using top command
TOP_OUTPUT=$(top -b -n 1)
# Extract CPU usage percentage
CPU_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/Cpu/ {print $2}')
# Extract total memory and used memory in kilobytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $4}')
USED_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $8}')
# Convert kilobytes to megabytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $TOTAL_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
USED_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $USED_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
# Extract memory usage percentage
MEMORY_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print ($8 / $4) * 100}' | awk '{printf "%.2f", $0}')
echo "Checking from Source $Server"
#echo "CPU Usage (%): $CPU_USAGE%"
#echo "Memory Usage (%): ${MEMORY_USAGE}%"
#echo "Used Memory: ${USED_MEMORY_MB}MB"
#echo "Total Memory: ${TOTAL_MEMORY_MB}MB"
echo "sh remote.sh <ip> <port>"
# Remote machine details
remote_password="root" # It's better to use SSH keys for authentication
# Function to get remote CPU and memory usage
remote_usage () {
ssh "$remote_user@$remote_host" -p$portx \
"echo 'Result checking on Destination server with hostname < $Server >';\
echo 'CPU Usage (%): $CPU_USAGE''%' ; \
echo 'Memory Usage (%): ${MEMORY_USAGE}%';\
echo 'Memory Usage: ' \$(free -m | grep 'Mem:' | awk '{print \$3}')'MB' ;\
echo 'Memory Total: ' \$(free -m | grep 'Mem:' | awk '{print \$2}')'MB'"
[root@teguhth ~]#
2. test
[root@teguhth ~]# cat local_check.sh
# cat check_cpu_mem_usage.sh
# Get CPU and Memory usage using top command
TOP_OUTPUT=$(top -b -n 1)
# Extract CPU usage percentage
CPU_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/Cpu/ {print $2}')
# Extract total memory and used memory in kilobytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $4}')
USED_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $8}')
# Convert kilobytes to megabytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $TOTAL_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
USED_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $USED_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
# Convert MB to GB
#TOTAL_MEMORY_GB=$(echo "scale=2;$TOTAL_MEMORY_KB / 1024 / 1024" | bc)
#USED_MEMORY_GB=$(($USED_MEMORY_KB / 1024 / 1024) | bc)
USED_MEMORY_GB=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($USED_MEMORY_KB / 1024 / 1024)}")
TOTAL_MEMORY_GB=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($TOTAL_MEMORY_KB / 1024 / 1024)}")
# Extract memory usage percentage
MEMORY_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print ($8 / $4) * 100}' | awk '{printf "%.2f", $0}')
# Get Hostname
# Get the IP address using ifconfig, excluding the loopback interface
ip_address=$(ifconfig | awk '/inet / && $2 !~ /^127\./ {gsub("addr:","",$2); print $2}')
ip_address2=$(ip a | awk '/inet / && $2 !~ /^127\./ {gsub("addr:","",$2); print $2}')
# Print the IP address
# Menggunakan perintah 'free' untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang swap memory
swap_info=$(free -k | grep Swap)
# Memisahkan kolom-kolom dalam output
total_swap=$(echo $swap_info | awk '{print $2}')
used_swap=$(echo $swap_info | awk '{print $3}')
free_swap=$(echo $swap_info | awk '{print $4}')
# Menghitung persentase penggunaan swap
swap_percentage=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($used_swap / $total_swap) * 100}")
usage_swapmb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($used_swap / 1024) }")
total_swapmb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($total_swap / 1024) }")
free_swapmb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($free_swap / 1024) }")
usage_swapgb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($used_swap / 1024/1024) }")
total_swapgb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($total_swap / 1024/1024) }")
free_swapgb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($free_swap / 1024/1024) }")
# Menampilkan informasi dalam KB dan persentase
echo ""
echo ".::: Result checking on server with hostname << $Server >> & << $ip_address2 >> :::."
echo ""
echo "Hostname Server : $Server"
echo "IP Address(ifconfig) : $ip_address"
echo "IP Address(ip a) : $ip_address2"
echo "CPU Usage (%) : $CPU_USAGE%"
echo "Memory Usage (%) : ${MEMORY_USAGE}%"
echo "Swap Usage(%) : $swap_percentage%"
echo "Total Swap : $total_swapgb GB,$total_swapmb MB,$total_swap KB"
echo "Used Swap : $usage_swapgb GB,$usage_swapmb MB,$used_swap KB"
echo "Free Swap : $free_swapgb GB,$free_swapmb MB,$free_swap KB"
echo ""
echo "disk info"
df -h
echo ""
echo "Copyright by : Teguh Triharto"
echo "Website : https://www.linkedin.com/in/teguhth"
echo ""
[root@teguhth ~]#
# cat check_cpu_mem_usage.sh
# Get CPU and Memory usage using top command
TOP_OUTPUT=$(top -b -n 1)
# Extract CPU usage percentage
CPU_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/Cpu/ {print $2}')
# Extract total memory and used memory in kilobytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $4}')
USED_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $8}')
# Convert kilobytes to megabytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $TOTAL_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
USED_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $USED_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
# Convert MB to GB
#TOTAL_MEMORY_GB=$(echo "scale=2;$TOTAL_MEMORY_KB / 1024 / 1024" | bc)
#USED_MEMORY_GB=$(($USED_MEMORY_KB / 1024 / 1024) | bc)
USED_MEMORY_GB=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($USED_MEMORY_KB / 1024 / 1024)}")
TOTAL_MEMORY_GB=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($TOTAL_MEMORY_KB / 1024 / 1024)}")
# Extract memory usage percentage
MEMORY_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print ($8 / $4) * 100}' | awk '{printf "%.2f", $0}')
# Get Hostname
# Get the IP address using ifconfig, excluding the loopback interface
ip_address=$(ifconfig | awk '/inet / && $2 !~ /^127\./ {gsub("addr:","",$2); print $2}')
ip_address2=$(ip a | awk '/inet / && $2 !~ /^127\./ {gsub("addr:","",$2); print $2}')
# Print the IP address
# Menggunakan perintah 'free' untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang swap memory
swap_info=$(free -k | grep Swap)
# Memisahkan kolom-kolom dalam output
total_swap=$(echo $swap_info | awk '{print $2}')
used_swap=$(echo $swap_info | awk '{print $3}')
free_swap=$(echo $swap_info | awk '{print $4}')
# Menghitung persentase penggunaan swap
swap_percentage=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($used_swap / $total_swap) * 100}")
usage_swapmb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($used_swap / 1024) }")
total_swapmb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($total_swap / 1024) }")
free_swapmb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($free_swap / 1024) }")
usage_swapgb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($used_swap / 1024/1024) }")
total_swapgb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($total_swap / 1024/1024) }")
free_swapgb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($free_swap / 1024/1024) }")
# Menampilkan informasi dalam KB dan persentase
echo ""
echo ".::: Result checking on server with hostname << $Server >> & << $ip_address2 >> :::."
echo ""
echo "Hostname Server : $Server"
echo "IP Address(ifconfig) : $ip_address"
echo "IP Address(ip a) : $ip_address2"
echo "CPU Usage (%) : $CPU_USAGE%"
echo "Memory Usage (%) : ${MEMORY_USAGE}%"
echo "Swap Usage(%) : $swap_percentage%"
echo "Total Swap : $total_swapgb GB,$total_swapmb MB,$total_swap KB"
echo "Used Swap : $usage_swapgb GB,$usage_swapmb MB,$used_swap KB"
echo "Free Swap : $free_swapgb GB,$free_swapmb MB,$free_swap KB"
echo ""
echo "disk info"
df -h
echo ""
echo "Copyright by : Teguh Triharto"
echo "Website : https://www.linkedin.com/in/teguhth"
echo ""
[root@teguhth ~]#
[root@teguhth ~]# cat ipserver.sh
# Get Hostname
# Get the IP address using ifconfig, excluding the loopback interface
ip_address=$(ifconfig | awk '/inet / && $2 !~ /^127\./ {gsub("addr:","",$2); print $2}')
ip_address2=$(ip a | awk '/inet / && $2 !~ /^127\./ {gsub("addr:","",$2); print $2}')
# Print the IP address
echo ""
echo ".::: Result checking on server with hostname << $Server >> & << $ip_address2 >> :::."
echo ""
echo "Hostname Server : $Server"
echo "IP Address(ifconfig) : $ip_address"
echo "IP Address(ip a) : $ip_address2"
echo ""
[root@teguhth ~]#
# Get Hostname
# Get the IP address using ifconfig, excluding the loopback interface
ip_address=$(ifconfig | awk '/inet / && $2 !~ /^127\./ {gsub("addr:","",$2); print $2}')
ip_address2=$(ip a | awk '/inet / && $2 !~ /^127\./ {gsub("addr:","",$2); print $2}')
# Print the IP address
echo ""
echo ".::: Result checking on server with hostname << $Server >> & << $ip_address2 >> :::."
echo ""
echo "Hostname Server : $Server"
echo "IP Address(ifconfig) : $ip_address"
echo "IP Address(ip a) : $ip_address2"
echo ""
[root@teguhth ~]#
F. all check for mirroritng <gtid>
# Get CPU and Memory usage using top command
TOP_OUTPUT=$(top -b -n 1)
# Extract CPU usage percentage
CPU_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/Cpu/ {print $2}')
# Extract total memory and used memory in kilobytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $4}')
USED_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $8}')
# Convert kilobytes to megabytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $TOTAL_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
USED_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $USED_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
# Extract memory usage percentage
MEMORY_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print ($8 / $4) * 100}' | awk '{printf "%.2f", $0}')
# Convert MB to GB
#TOTAL_MEMORY_GB=$(echo "scale=2;$TOTAL_MEMORY_KB / 1024 / 1024" | bc)
#USED_MEMORY_GB=$(($USED_MEMORY_KB / 1024 / 1024) | bc)
USED_MEMORY_GB=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($USED_MEMORY_KB / 1024 / 1024)}")
TOTAL_MEMORY_GB=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($TOTAL_MEMORY_KB / 1024 / 1024)}")
# Menggunakan perintah 'free' untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang swap memory
swap_info=$(free -k | grep Swap)
# Memisahkan kolom-kolom dalam output
total_swap=$(echo $swap_info | awk '{print $2}')
used_swap=$(echo $swap_info | awk '{print $3}')
free_swap=$(echo $swap_info | awk '{print $4}')
# Menghitung persentase penggunaan swap
swap_percentage=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($used_swap / $total_swap) * 100}")
usage_swapmb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($used_swap / 1024) }")
total_swapmb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($total_swap / 1024) }")
free_swapmb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($free_swap / 1024) }")
usage_swapgb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($used_swap / 1024/1024) }")
total_swapgb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($total_swap / 1024/1024) }")
free_swapgb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($free_swap / 1024/1024) }")
# Get Hostname
# Get the IP address using ifconfig, excluding the loopback interface
ip_address=$(ifconfig | awk '/inet / && $2 !~ /^127\./ {gsub("addr:","",$2); print $2}')
ip_address2=$(ip a | awk '/inet / && $2 !~ /^127\./ {gsub("addr:","",$2); print $2}')
# Print the IP address
# Menampilkan informasi dalam KB dan persentase
# Menampilkan informasi dalam KB dan persentase
echo ""
echo ".::: Result checking on server with hostname << $Server >> & << $ip_address2 >> :::."
echo ""
echo "Hostname Server : $Server"
echo "IP Address(ifconfig) : $ip_address"
echo "IP Address(ip a) : $ip_address2"
echo "CPU Usage (%) : $CPU_USAGE%"
echo "Memory Usage (%) : ${MEMORY_USAGE}%"
echo "Swap Usage(%) : $swap_percentage%"
echo "Total Swap : $total_swapgb GB,$total_swapmb MB,$total_swap KB"
echo "Used Swap : $usage_swapgb GB,$usage_swapmb MB,$used_swap KB"
echo "Free Swap : $free_swapgb GB,$free_swapmb MB,$free_swap KB"
echo ""
echo "Check GTID Replication"
while [ $COUNTER -lt 2 ]; do
TGL=$(date +%Y"-"%m"-"%d" "%H":"%M":"%S" ")
CEK=`mysql -uroot -proot -e"show slave status \G;" | grep Seconds_Behind_Master `
RESULT=$(echo $CEK | awk '{print $2}')
if [[ $RESULT != "0" ]] ; then
echo $TGL" --> $CEK " >> cek_rep.log
#echo $TGL" --> Seconds_Behind_Master : "$CEK >> cek_rep.log
echo "no: $COUNTER : $CEK "
sleep 1 #slepp or wait
echo ""
echo "Resume Processlist: "
mysql -uroot -proot -e "show status where variable_name like 'threads%'";
echo ""
echo "Uptime MariaDB"
mysql -uroot -proot -e "select @@hostname,@@version,now() - interval variable_value second as 'MySQL started on',TIME_FORMAT(SEC_TO_TIME(VARIABLE_VALUE ),'%Hh %im') as Uptime from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='Uptime';";
echo ""
echo "disk info df -h"
df -h
echo ""
echo "maxscale info"
maxadmin list servers
echo ""
echo "tail -10 mysql log"
tail -10 /var/lib/mysql/mysql_error.log
echo ""
echo "Maxscale log"
tail -10 /var/log/maxscale/maxscale.log
# Get CPU and Memory usage using top command
TOP_OUTPUT=$(top -b -n 1)
# Extract CPU usage percentage
CPU_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/Cpu/ {print $2}')
# Extract total memory and used memory in kilobytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $4}')
USED_MEMORY_KB=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print $8}')
# Convert kilobytes to megabytes
TOTAL_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $TOTAL_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
USED_MEMORY_MB=$(echo "scale=2; $USED_MEMORY_KB / 1024" | bc)
# Extract memory usage percentage
MEMORY_USAGE=$(echo "$TOP_OUTPUT" | awk '/KiB Mem/ {print ($8 / $4) * 100}' | awk '{printf "%.2f", $0}')
# Convert MB to GB
#TOTAL_MEMORY_GB=$(echo "scale=2;$TOTAL_MEMORY_KB / 1024 / 1024" | bc)
#USED_MEMORY_GB=$(($USED_MEMORY_KB / 1024 / 1024) | bc)
USED_MEMORY_GB=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($USED_MEMORY_KB / 1024 / 1024)}")
TOTAL_MEMORY_GB=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($TOTAL_MEMORY_KB / 1024 / 1024)}")
# Menggunakan perintah 'free' untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang swap memory
swap_info=$(free -k | grep Swap)
# Memisahkan kolom-kolom dalam output
total_swap=$(echo $swap_info | awk '{print $2}')
used_swap=$(echo $swap_info | awk '{print $3}')
free_swap=$(echo $swap_info | awk '{print $4}')
# Menghitung persentase penggunaan swap
swap_percentage=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($used_swap / $total_swap) * 100}")
usage_swapmb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($used_swap / 1024) }")
total_swapmb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($total_swap / 1024) }")
free_swapmb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($free_swap / 1024) }")
usage_swapgb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($used_swap / 1024/1024) }")
total_swapgb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($total_swap / 1024/1024) }")
free_swapgb=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($free_swap / 1024/1024) }")
# Get Hostname
# Get the IP address using ifconfig, excluding the loopback interface
ip_address=$(ifconfig | awk '/inet / && $2 !~ /^127\./ {gsub("addr:","",$2); print $2}')
ip_address2=$(ip a | awk '/inet / && $2 !~ /^127\./ {gsub("addr:","",$2); print $2}')
# Print the IP address
# Menampilkan informasi dalam KB dan persentase
# Menampilkan informasi dalam KB dan persentase
echo ""
echo ".::: Result checking on server with hostname << $Server >> & << $ip_address2 >> :::."
echo ""
echo "Hostname Server : $Server"
echo "IP Address(ifconfig) : $ip_address"
echo "IP Address(ip a) : $ip_address2"
echo "CPU Usage (%) : $CPU_USAGE%"
echo "Memory Usage (%) : ${MEMORY_USAGE}%"
echo "Swap Usage(%) : $swap_percentage%"
echo "Total Swap : $total_swapgb GB,$total_swapmb MB,$total_swap KB"
echo "Used Swap : $usage_swapgb GB,$usage_swapmb MB,$used_swap KB"
echo "Free Swap : $free_swapgb GB,$free_swapmb MB,$free_swap KB"
echo ""
echo "Check GTID Replication"
while [ $COUNTER -lt 2 ]; do
TGL=$(date +%Y"-"%m"-"%d" "%H":"%M":"%S" ")
CEK=`mysql -uroot -proot -e"show slave status \G;" | grep Seconds_Behind_Master `
RESULT=$(echo $CEK | awk '{print $2}')
if [[ $RESULT != "0" ]] ; then
echo $TGL" --> $CEK " >> cek_rep.log
#echo $TGL" --> Seconds_Behind_Master : "$CEK >> cek_rep.log
echo "no: $COUNTER : $CEK "
sleep 1 #slepp or wait
echo ""
echo "Resume Processlist: "
mysql -uroot -proot -e "show status where variable_name like 'threads%'";
echo ""
echo "Uptime MariaDB"
mysql -uroot -proot -e "select @@hostname,@@version,now() - interval variable_value second as 'MySQL started on',TIME_FORMAT(SEC_TO_TIME(VARIABLE_VALUE ),'%Hh %im') as Uptime from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='Uptime';";
echo ""
echo "disk info df -h"
df -h
echo ""
echo "maxscale info"
maxadmin list servers
echo ""
echo "tail -10 mysql log"
tail -10 /var/lib/mysql/mysql_error.log
echo ""
echo "Maxscale log"
tail -10 /var/log/maxscale/maxscale.log
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